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What do the Vitamins & Minerals in our Multis do for you

A (Carotene)
- supports immune system, reproduction, vision, cell communication and organ maintenance
B1 (Thiamine)-Support Brain, Nervous system, cell creation, breaks down carbohydrates to glucose for energy
B2 (Riboflavin)-
Breaks down carbs, fats, protein for conversionto energy. Supports function of B-3 and B-6. Supports mucousmembranes and red blood cell production
B3 (Niacin)-
Is believed to help cholesterol, blood glucoselevels, red blood cell formation, brain & nerve function. Involved in breaking down carbs, fats and protein. Supports digestive system.
B5 (Pantothenate)-
supports liver function, creation ofco-enzymes which help with normal physiological function,converts nutrients to energy.
B6 (Pyridoxine)-
supports immune system, red blood cellstrength, nerve communications, production of hormones thatcontrol mood and stress.
B7 (Biotin)-
Believed to support healthy hair and nails, helpsmetabolize fats, amino acids and adrenal function. Required formetabolizing fats and amino acids
B9 (Folate)-
supports cell division, DNA and RNA formation,muscle strength and carbs converted to energy
B12 (Cobalamin)-
Supports DNA and RNA production as well asthe important nerve protective sheath, Myelin. Supports redblood cells in the transportation of oxygen and nutrients.
supports collagen production for skin, immune system andantioxidant activity
supports bone structure, immune system, cell growth andapoptosis (natural cell death cycle)
antioxidant effect against free radicals to protect cells.Supports immune and metabolic function
supports blood coagulation & blood vessel flexibility
supports vascular, muscular & nerve systems
supports insulin’s actions
supports thyroid function & apoptosis (natural deathcycle of cells). When apoptosis does not occur is when cells can become mulignant
supports oxygen transportation, cell function
Magnesium- supports enzyme functions, blood pressure, bone structure
supports enzymes that break down sulfites
supports enzymes that help break down carbs,amino acids and cholesterol
supports antioxidant protection & normal thyroid function. It plays an important role in regulating immune response, found to be important because of the over reaction that has occured with Covid 19
supports wound healing, immune system, DNA productionand normal cell division
supports lower blood pressure, muscle function &normal kidney function
supports red blood cell production, bone strength, hair,skin, nails & tendons
Don’t Risk Your Health to theUncertainty of Synthetic Vitamin
These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended todiagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

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